
Here are some of hobby the projects I've build in my spare time.

Please keep in mind, these are hobby projects worked on after hours, so code style, testing thoroughness, documentation, commit messages etc.. are not always to the same standards that I apply at my day job :)

  • Rates

    Struggling to find a free currency exchange calculator that worked offline, and was not full of ads, I decided to build my own.

    This allowed me to experiment with

    • Offline Progressive Web APPs. Works offline by caching all assets in a service worker and exchange rates in localStorage.
    • TRPC as a type-safe API layer between the BFF & UI.
    • Mantine as a feature complete component library.
    • Connect RPC as a type-safe layer for the exchange rates service.

    Source: Closed source for now

    December 2023

  • Dinner

    Frustrated which how slow and unresponsive my meal subscription web app is, I decided to build a alternate frontend and caching proxy layer.

    This allowed me to experiment with

    Source: Closed source for now

    April 2023

  • PMM - Node Package Manager Manager

    Manage Node Package Managers (npm, yarn, pnpm) & be warned when you accidentally use the wrong one. Just like corepack, but with more features and works in corporate environments.
    Source: github

    May 2022

  • BGDK - Baked Goods Development Kit

    Think Create React App, but for apps built with vanilla extract
    Source: github

    October 2021

  • React JSX Mock

    Mock components at the JSX level
    Source: github & npm

    September 2021

  • Masks For Your Face

    Shopfront selling handmade reusable masks

    Source: Closed source for now

    June 2020

  • Better Stats Webpack Plugin

    Output build assets paths to a JSON file
    Source: github & npm

    May 2017

  • Art Gallery Openings

    Website listing gallery openings in Melbourne, scraping events from google calendar

    Website: Offline
    Source: backend & frontend

    December 2014